Morning Flowers

Morning Flowers, Emerging Pastel Artist
Morning Flowers
I created this Still Life with a combination of a small bouquet of flowers in a glass jar from a friend,
my own bouquet in a vase, a large 1800’s ironstone platter and
adding at the last minute an antique Dalmation dog figurine.
This was on my kitchen table with the light coming in behind it.

I started by blocking in the shapes, and then almost completing the Dalmatian before I went any further.
I then went back and worked on the light coming through and the reflection on the ironstone platter.

I wanted it to feel loose with a little control.
I like the contrast of the riot of color in the large bouquet and the black and white of the Dalmatian.
I kept the background vague so that the flowers and Dalmation would be the stars of the painting.

Emerging Pastel Artist    9 x 9   

Pastel Brand(s) Used
Pastel Paper Used