Juicy Duo: Mandarin Oranges in Warm Hues

Juicy Duo: Mandarin Oranges in Warm Hues, Emerging Pastel Artist
Juicy Duo: Mandarin Oranges in Warm Hues
In Juicy Duo still life painting, the artist wanted to capture the dynamic interaction between the two oranges, one peeled and one whole, revealing its juicy, vibrant interior, while the other remains whole with its glossy skin catching the light. Warm shadows dance around the oranges, adding depth and dimension to the scene, inviting viewers to savor the tantalizing colors and textures of the fruit.
Overall the artist want viewers to experience the lusciousness and warmth of the citrus fruits, which take center stage against a pale blue-yellow background, reminiscent of a sunny day.

Emerging Pastel Artist    9 x 11   

Pastel Brand(s) Used
Pastel Paper Used